Monday, February 9, 2009

My Parents, Money, College, Independence, and God

Over these past few months, I have gotten to experience what my parents go through. No...I don't have a child, but I got to lovingly take care of my sick mom. All my life, I have been thankful for what my parents did. However, I now know to some extent how much they bend over backwards for us. Some my age say the cleaning is horrid, shopping by yourself, and cooking for the entire family while balancing your own schoolwork is something that they don't want to go through. Surprisingly enough that was the easiest part. Seeing my Dad home for work for the rest of the day exhausted, listening to my mom's racket of coughing and gasping for breath, that was the worst. I have learned much more of money, college, Independence, and God, which brings me to this: a grateful heart.
My parents have taught me to handle money carefully, and not squander it. I knew life was expensive...but I found out first handed when shopping for food how expensive it could be. Every cent, I learned in depth mattered when concerning the entire bill. Thus I soon learned, it wasn't the actual how much it cost, as how much it cost PER ounce for food. I dreaded to think if food was expensive how all the other things like heating, water, gas, and all the other things that make my life comfortable cost.
During the second week of the fourth week, I started my first day of college. I went nervous and excited and over those emotions, concerned about my mom. How I managed to think in my class of Photography when I had a sick mom at home, I can't explain; except for the fact that God directed my attention.
I am independence and believe have grown even more independence. Being 18, and considered an "adult" which is sometimes bull, is no help, although I love being 18. With my independence nature, I'm still fighting the urge to strike out on my own, and still more often than not tempted to ignore what my parents say. (You would think I have learned to take my parents words into consideration). However, I hope that I will never lose sight that my parents are much smarter, wiser, and know much more of the world than I know. Yes, there are times when I need to discover for myself, but if I ever get stuck I know without a shadow of doubt that my parents will be here for me and even more importantly my God.
Through all everything, I had grace that God gave me to go through it all. He was the one that gave me strength when I was beyond exhausted. I wondered how on earth my mom manage to keep house, take care of two kids, have a job, and make sure that if nothing else her kids know who God is and taught them as best as she knew how to have a personal relationship with Him. My mom is incredible. I have always been grateful, but now I'm am even more grateful. A new perceptive was brought to me during those four weeks of practically being on my own.
My God deserves full credit. Without Him, I can't even last a second. He's that one that held me up, protected me, gave me counsel, and comforted me when there was no one else to help me. I am grateful to Him. The month has been a hard one, but through it all there has been an abundant of grace. God's grace.

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