Saturday, May 30, 2009

Reflections of Daniel and King David

Last Wednesday, as I was getting to leave for house sitting for the night I took a glance at my mom. She was doing Beth Moore's devotions. My eyes caught the name Daniel. Daniel...had been long my favorite name and book of the bible. I always wondered why? What was about Daniel that I loved? Mom and I fell into a conversation about the men of the bible and how God used them.
I did not relate to Moses, Abraham, Elijah, Elisha, as well as I did Daniel and David. To be sure I learned much from the other men, please do not mistake that I am passing them by. No...simply Daniel and David have longest held my attention.
As I talked with mom I made an astonishing discovery. Was it perhaps I relate to Daniel because of his faith? Daniel had FULL confidence in God. If Daniel had full confidence in God, he must have known grace. Because with faith there must be grace. Daniel's relationship with God I believe was a foundation of faith, grace, and love. How else could he have stood up to Nebrazzarah; willing to risk everything, but his relationship with his Father? I began to think of Daniel a grace filled man because of his faith.
My equation may be wrong. When you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, you experience love. From love come faith, and faith grows into grace. You can not have one with out the other.

David...the second king of Israel...a man after God's own heart. As usual I am always amazed, at the thought of God calling David a righteous man and a man after his heart. How awesome, how great that is. Just IMAGINE! David, who had faults just like me was called a righteous man.
What I have learned from David will mess up and you will fail. BUT... when you find where your mistakes lie...turn to God. You can't fix your mistakes on your's IMPOSSIBLE, however, He understood that with God that he can overcome his weaknesses. David wanted God's heart, he yearned for it.
Despite David's short comings...God gave him one of the best gifts. The Messiah would come from the line of David. David...knew what he wanted and He recieved God's heart.

I can't express what I am trying to writing is probably all in shambles. But I hope that you get what I am trying to say. Daniel, who understood faith was a man filled with grace. David...longed and yearned for God's heart. God loved him in return though he was not perfect.

1 comment:

  1. "Shambles" are of no consequence, sweet Christina, when your thoughts and your written expressions are wrestling with the Truth of God's Word in your life. Keep thinking and wrestling and writing. God makes beautiful things out of "shambles." I quite like this post.


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