Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving time

Dear friends,
This week I get to visit my dear grandparents! I am so excited. Though I must admit, sadly when I first heard of it I was not at all thrilled. My school was pressing hard on me and I felt the crunch of time breathing down my neck. Only four weeks till freedom, and I'm hanging on for dear life. Never-the-less, I should have felt excited about going. It is rare now days to get to go to VA. I love going after all it is where I was born, but this time I could care less. I knew deep inside that was wrong. One night, I laid it all out at the feet of the Father. Ever since, He has given me a desire and joy to go. Yes, I still have relatless school beating me on my back, but my grandparents are more important to me than my grades and my work. Family, where would you be without wouldn't be born. I'm taking my camera this week, and in doing so I hope that I can show the prides of my heart.

You haven't met anyone until you have met my grandparents! I can brag about them, because they are mine. My granddaddy is one of the most amazing people you will ever meet. My grandma! Oh...I now know where the spunky side of my mom came from. I have great, great respect for her not just as my grandma, but as a woman. When I post pictures, I shall tell you of my favorite memories of each person.


  1. I am glad that you continue to take time out from your studies to continue writing! I enjoy seeing your growth in the Lord spill out onto the "written page."


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