Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's unlock...but what are you going to do?

There's doors, gates, keyholes, or whatever you want to call it that unlocks that most secretive parts in our hearts. The part that we rarely, if ever...really let anyone see. We sometimes don't know even know our deepest joy or pain. It hasn't been discovered yet. There's a lot we don't know about ourselves. But someone does. He knows every laugh you have ever laughed, every tear that has been shed, and every smile that crept across your face making your eyes twinkle in secretive delight. He knows you. Every core of your being is so special to Him and He wants be in the mist of all of your doings. He wants to share your delight, your sadness, your split can't stop laughing moments. Here's the kicker.

Until you open that entrance way, He can't fully enter into your life. He's not going to force His way in. You're going to have to choose. He's there for you... is not His name Emmanuel meaning God with us? That means in everything in the good, in the bad, and in the between, He's with you. But it is you who lets Him in completely. No one else can do it for you. No one can make you. It is your choice alone. God is with you, but until you let Him in your heart can you share with Him that only you and Him knows. Sometimes its scary and there's time you don't want to do it, but its worth it. But remember, only you can open that gate wide enough to let Him in. It's unlock...but what are you going to do? It's up to you.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true Christina. We have to be willing to let the Lord come in and make His home with us. Thanks for sharing this excellent exhortation. And WELCOME HOME blessed girl!! :-) It was SO good to see you yesterday. Can't wait to hear all about your trip!! :-)


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