Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Major decision, Major changes

This summer...well this past year has been full of life time changes. But they are good changes. Changes that will transform my life. Never had I dreamed I'd where I am today...but then again most of us aren't where we thought we'd be today. When I was younger I longed to travel, to explore the world, and to "preach" the gospel. As I entered highschool, all that changed. I became focused and serious...putting away the carefree, outgoing girl I used to be. But I never lost my joy for simple things. Now...I am traveling the world and sharing my Beloved's message. But still...I am on the quiet side. And that's okay. There are seasons for everything.

Just recently we closed on our new home. The countdown begins as I help pack up and clean. My mom has found her love of jewel colors again, and we are happily looking to furnish our blessing home. You see, our home isn't just "our" home, its Harvest home. A place to come to be refresh, rest, and just to be.

Two days ago, I made a decision. It was tough, but I knew what had to be done. When I came home from the Netherlands I changed. While I was there, God spoke very clearly to me in many, many ways. One thing He told me was Graphic Design was no longer my major. So I came home, waiting, pondering, and listening to what He wanted me to do next. Three weeks later, I received my answer. As of right now I am a semester into being a photographer. In a year and half I will be a certified photographer with an associated degree. After which I will fulfill yet another dream...cosmology. Two skills, two certificates, and two dreams. How will I combined these blessing people. I don't know what God fully has in mind...but that's okay. It'll be used for His glory.

Major decisions makes major changes. Most of them aren't easy. Many of them changes lives. But when you make that change for'll be the best decision you'll ever make.


  1. ::SQUEAL:: I am SO excited for you Christina and all that your future holds! :-) And I can't wait to see your new home!! God is so amazingly good!!

  2. Christina, honey, whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might! You are an OVERCOMER, through Christ Jesus!


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