Thursday, July 14, 2011


curtesy of stck.xchg
 Here's how to simplified your life...relent to Jesus! Give Him your all, the great, the good, bad, and definatly the ugly. Give him your hopes, your dreams, your fears, your anger, your pride, and well all of you. Life wiould be heck lot of  simplier if we would just stop trying to control our own life and let Him at it. Don't go locking those doors in your heart, don't go throwing away those keys, and don't go hiding secrets. For if you do, you will never ever be free truly allow him to utterly and completely take over you. To call you His and You call Him Yours.

Try a little excitment with whole lot of simplicity...let go of  yourself and get lost in Christ. Don't beat yourself up, give yourself grace to do the things that which desperatly needs attending that have been lacked for so long. Let your heart be free in grace with the love of Christ who has made you whole within himself. Simplify your life and run, dance, weep, skip, sing, play, whatever it is that makes you turn fully to Christ. It is all after all about Him and aren't you glad? That means you're not fighting the battles alone nor the majority of the battle. He is.

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A comment for me! Get excited! I love hearing from you.