Saturday, April 7, 2012

There's some things I'll never get my head wrapped around. I just won't ever understand. Questions which I've asked won't be answered until years later. But this I know, my God is faithful and He is just.
I can't comprehend His love, the strongest love I've ever known has been my mom. The strongest bond has been my sister's. Yet, His love and His bond to me is so much greater.
I've seen parents "fall in love" with their children. I've seen them angry. When carefully watching, I've seen their unshed tears of joy or extreme sadness. Their love for a child who is their own, a part of their self changes who they are and their lifestyle the moment the child is conceived. How much greater is My Beloved love for me?
He sent His son...HIS SON! Take a moment...imagine if you have children of whom you deeply love and offering them up for someone else sake. To turn your face away from them as they lay gasping for breath, brutally beaten, and you could do something about it.  A word, a slight movement and their suffering would have never been. Think about it.

I.can.not.even.fathom. What's more to tell the truth I wouldn't do it.  I would not give up my child for lives to be save out of my own free will. Honestly. Being completely brutally honest.

But He did. 

And that is why I am His. That is why I have a second chance, because He gave up His son's life for me. 

He loves me. 

That is enough. More than enough. 

1 comment:

  1. This post blesses me so much! You are beautiful and tenacious and tender and I cheer you on in all the Lord is doing in your life.


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