Saturday, December 31, 2011


Even through all the craziness of this season, I still somehow manage to find time to reflect on what Christmas really  means. Yeah, I know that Jesus birthday  was earlier, sometime during the spring or summer. But that is besides the point...a little. Or the fact that the wise men in fact came two years AFTER He was to a little besides the fact. They're important facts, but sometimes I wonder if we focus more on the minors rather than the majors.
To me decorating, having cookies, getting presents is tad bit important. It adds to the celebration of Christ's birth. Please let me explain why. It is true that we don't need these these things to make Christmas. But to me it is a way to celebrate. I remember my favorite Christmas. We didn't have much money, and we were in the process of moving so we didn't get our full Christmas decorations up. But we spent time cookies, and decorating  what we could. Mostly though we spent the majority of the time at grandparents working our...well you know off. However, decorating, baking, and ect. are only extras.
I think of it this way. All those things are the.added touches that helps build up memories and excitement for His "birthday". They aren't necessary by any stretch of the imagination. Just like having a cake isn't necessary for you to have for your birthday.
But oddly enough it helps me be reminded of Him. It helps me celebrate His coming into this world just for me. I don't need those things...but it is sure is nice to have a party for His sake. That is why I say those things are important to me. Its the reason behind all of those things. But honestly if I did none of them...and instead reflected only Him I think it would be just as special. And I know he'd give me grace because He know how much it means to me to decorate for him. Its strangely not the baking that grabs my attention although I happen to adore preacher cookies. Nor family is decorating. It happens every time. I always picture Him coming to a beautifully decked out home. My only danger is that I find myself nick picking about decoration and lose relationship time with Him.
I know I said above that decorating, baking, and getting presents are important. They are the icing on the cake. I can not lie. However...I fully know that it is Jesus who is the reason to celebrate this glorious holiday.
I must admit I was tired of people telling me decorations do not matter. Having goodies do not matter. Presents do not matter. But they do. They just do not take place of my Beloved. I embrace if you will semi commercial Christmas...but they are not why Christmas is Christmas. Jesus is the reason.
I hope I have conveyed to you correctly what I have learned. I don't need anything to celebrate Jesus other than my heart. But since I have the resources to make a big deal of it you bet your bottom dollar I will.


  1. Oh better believe all those things - decorating, baking, etc. are important to celebration! After all, is there any other way to *physically* "sanctify" (set apart) a holiday?? We can sancitify it in our hearts, sure, but it adds to the fun to set things apart and make them special *physically*. your previous post...with all the work you put into the play, perhaps your other Christmas-ey things suffered a bit. THAT is when you learn by experience that Jesus is the Reason...all that other stuff is just stuff. It's fun and it's great, reality...

    ...pagans do it. The wealthiest, most Godless people in the world do it the best! They decorate and bake. Only we as believers get to celebrate Jesus, no matter whether the lights are up on the eaves of the roof or cookies are in the oven or NOT. (And in our case, with basketball, wedding stuff, etc. etc. we too didn't have time to do all the usual things. I can so relate.)

    But 2012? Hopefully we will be back to normal and you and I can deck those halls and bake those cookies just like usual. But...maybe I hope not. Maybe I hope we forever put less stock in the trappings of Christmas and more stock in unselfishly directing whole weddings and ginormous drama events for others, spending your energies on people, not property - like your family did. AAAAAAH! What can I say? :-) I'm a Jesus Freak. The Gospel forever changes my perspective when I celebrate! And after busy years like this, spent caring about people and not just stuff and holiday activity - (as you and your family, and the Cantrells, and many others have spent it, too) - I have been giddy-happy, and I feel I have a better perspective - none of the other stuff constitutes Christmas from an eternal perspective.

    I looooove me some Christmas. The past several years have found me reveling in it, without one bit of stress or anxiety. My house is "tricked out" still, even with three basketball games a week plus extensive travel. You know me - I *decorate*, baby! ;-) And I have a GRANDBABY. Hooooney - I'm all over the whole tradition and trimming the tree thing.

    But my intense Jesus-besotted heart cries out that Christmas is about the GOSPEL - for example, if we, the Atchleys, baked and decorated a little less, and took the extra one afternoon and finances and blessed the elderly lady who lives alone, next street over, and decorated her porch, and shared the love of God with her...that better reflects the real Reason for the Season.

    And I know you agree with me! I share all this to spark conversation on your blog, maybe get your commenters and readers to come out of lurkdom! :-)

  2. I totally agree with you! I am so thankful for you commenting on this. For I have greatly learned this season of Christmas. I think I will be forever learning of "Christmas", because it is totally about Jesus. My favorite paragraph of your response which my own cried out and could not so write as well as you did was the next to last thing you wrote. Thank you for writing. You made my heart happy this sweet cloudy afternoon.


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