Sunday, January 15, 2012

Activating Children

Today, I am honored and well actually humbled by "my" harvest Children.  This morning along with my dear friend and brother Philip we activated 8 children. It.was.epic.

Philip and I prayed that those kids will never be the same after we activated them. We prayed that they would leave knowing who they are in Christ. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to come. Powerful prayers that came in such a sweet divine appointment exactly how God wanted it.
I had not yet finished praying when I saw Sadie's sweet face peeking through the crack and her smile instantly lit up my soul.

Today was so very different then "normal". Which I actually do not teach "normally". Those kids...well I have them searching the scriptures for themselves, they solves puzzles, they write the words, they do skits, they do anything and everything that I can possible do that covers hands on, visionary, and auditory. I throw curveballs *every single time* and they love it. Today was no exceptions.

"Today, we're going to do something totally different. Today we are going to pray for each other in this room and we're going to activate each other for the kingdom of God." I loudly announced welcoming the children.
"oooohhhhhh!" The children chorus. I kid you not. "COOL!" A boy yelled.
"What does activate mean?" I asked. Hands raised up quickly.
Judah smiled raising her hand and "oh...I know...but I forgot!" She chirped.
"It means to lay hands on people and asked God impart Himself into them and for them to be able to do what they're made to do," Sadie said with authority .
"It's means the light goes off," Judah announced finding her answer.

You ready for this? These children are from the ages of 5-9. They have this DOWN!
The prayers was an extremely sweet and powerful time. Talk about faith. Talk about being humble. And talk about having your mail read by and in front of these children. Its humbling and exhilarating.

We had snacks and the children did a skit. To which I must frankly owned, I had hard time understanding. But I loved their acting, I love how they cooperated Jesus into it. Most of all I loved their passion.

I brought along my guitar. Huddle together, we sung out not caring what we thought. Together, in unity we worshiped. But my favorite was without the guitar and Sadie leading us in "Oh How He loves us So".  As I think back, I want so very much to cry. What a romantic time. Romantic in the sense of we as the church, bride of Christ, was able to adorn our Father with our worship from the heart. What a treasure, one that I will cherish.

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