Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sometimes you need to wade through it

Life isn't easy sometimes and sometimes you just want to complain. One of the hardest things I had to do was NOT complain...a feat I did not accomplished. However, my complaining was only to my family who knew what was going on at least. But still, this week has been one of the hhhhhaaarrrrdest to go through, and I have no earthly reason why it was so. At least it gave me food for thought. This week especially from  encouragement from my pastor's message I'm going to keep my mouth shut, at least try my best to stay positive. Go to my number one source and if I need encouragement afterwards have someone keep me in their thoughts. There is some rejoicing whenever trials come and this trial has nothing on me compared to the past or what some people are going through right now.
 Sometimes though it does one good to step back and take a true rest. Find something that fills you up and then tackle whatever object(s) that is needed to be done. Having heard "don't complain" which is very good council, there is such a thing of hold far too much inside of you. Sometimes you need to "complain" for lack of a better word to get the correct perspective of what is going on. But there is a far cry from complaining and being dissatisfied all the time verses being unhappy and trying to figure out what is wrong so you can get your heart right. If there is something truly wrong and after going to your number one source, Jesus Christ, and afterwards if need be go to someone who is wise and knowledgable that is going to be able to help you is key. Else you are going to be stuck in that place perhaps a great deal longer than just dealing with the problem itself.
Honestly, I don't know how this post got started on this topic. It wasn't suppose to be this serious. But it was something on my heart.


  1. Be encouraged! (this is my THIRD attempt to leave a comment...grrrrrr....BLOGGER makes me mad. Now there I go...complaining. :-) )

    I love your way with words. You are a funny writer, waiting to happen, my friend!

  2. BOO YAH!

    ::fist pump::

    it posted, it posted!!


A comment for me! Get excited! I love hearing from you.